Peaks island land preserve
About PILP
The Peaks Island Land Preserve protects over 20% of the island's open land. These beautiful places reflect and are integral to our island’s history, scenic character, and varied biodiversity. PILP’s trails provide opportunities for recreation, education, and an enhanced appreciation for the natural world. We look forward to seeing you on the trails and together enjoying and caring for this precious resource.
protected lAND
what to know
We encourage you to explore our conservation areas, and would like to offer some tips before you visit, including advice on getting to Peaks from Portland and accessing restrooms and other amenities on the Island. You can see our guidelines at a glance below.
Turn your passion for Peaks Island into action. We depend on volunteers for monitoring PILP lands, and for helping to revitalize specific areas: containing ‘invasives’ and planting native seedlings that will be suited to supporting that specific natural habitat.
Volunteers also help with trail work, removing blowdowns and insuring that fire hazards are minimized.